Not really. Now, a quick recap of the month that was May:
- summer vacation was summer classes. It was intended, but the subjects I took were not. That's what you get for not being serious enough. Let that be a lesson to you, dumbass (the "dumbass" is not you, dear reader, if anyone really reads this, it's intended for me, so don't feel hurt)!
- Went places, places specifically being beaches and pools (Note: you love the water, you love it very much)
- the big cheese, the great kahuna, the big boss (a.k.a. my dad) gave me a car. Way ta go!
- yours truly scratched it, I'm such a dumbass...
- i think i'm happy now in ways i don't understand why
- etsetera, etsetera, etsetera
So that's past. On to June!
Tomorrow I'll be back in the mini-pee to enroll. Just need to remove that other failing subject this semester, and then, back to pursuing that white coat, if you know what i mean. Thanks to the guys who I went with to Puerto. Pray to God that I would not be too lazy not to post the pics. Til then, ciao!
nsisting that the moon was made of cheese, a mouse went to the floating rock via spaceship, only to be dissappointed that it wasn't.