Situation's changed since the last time. Got my schedule and it ain't pretty, worse than something something (can't think of any good analogy right now....). Even with the two pairs of wheels its still hard to go home like what an underpaid employee experiences. With the wheels comes the decrease in lunch money. But we still trudge on and hope that it would be all over soon, as it has always become in this life. I feel friendless but it's ok. I got no sufficient funds to wallow my time in other places besides the house even if I want to. The internet's connection crappy and even if it's ok, having 5 siblings to share it prevents me from being online most of the time. What can I say? I'm just that damn generous.
Things that I Thought of That Can Help Me Generate Some Extra Cash Without Bothering My Studies But Don't Have the Enough Effort Or Creativity to Accomplish:
-make a comic strip and syndicate it to a local (or international, if pigs could at least hover) newspaper or,
-be a problogger
I know, it's very limited. But ye get te mek it wark fer ye. God, help me, help us all!
Money is the root of all evil.
Love is the root of all that is good.
Hairy is the root of all legumes.
Not really. Now, a quick recap of the month that was May:
- summer vacation was summer classes. It was intended, but the subjects I took were not. That's what you get for not being serious enough. Let that be a lesson to you, dumbass (the "dumbass" is not you, dear reader, if anyone really reads this, it's intended for me, so don't feel hurt)!
- Went places, places specifically being beaches and pools (Note: you love the water, you love it very much)
- the big cheese, the great kahuna, the big boss (a.k.a. my dad) gave me a car. Way ta go!
- yours truly scratched it, I'm such a dumbass...
- i think i'm happy now in ways i don't understand why
- etsetera, etsetera, etsetera
So that's past. On to June!
Tomorrow I'll be back in the mini-pee to enroll. Just need to remove that other failing subject this semester, and then, back to pursuing that white coat, if you know what i mean. Thanks to the guys who I went with to Puerto. Pray to God that I would not be too lazy not to post the pics. Til then, ciao!
nsisting that the moon was made of cheese, a mouse went to the floating rock via spaceship, only to be dissappointed that it wasn't.