In the Rob, waiting for our time to come. Skipped some practice just to look for websites that would benefit the greater good of my grading system. But it's not enough of a contribution. Bless my lab partner's stoic soul. Just finished an exam that changed my entire plan for the day. But we adapt, whatever the cicumstances may be. Losing my money slowly, it just goes away, trickling from the invisible holes in my pocket. Wondering about the remarks my father just made. It's green, involving the rubber, so let's not go deep into it. Feeling in control but so out there in space. Whoozy, like knowing that your controlling every movement, but not really. I pause to take a thinking. I'm expecting coldness in Baguio. It better be. Thinking about getting my own personal space the next shcool year, seeing that everthing's academically spiralling downward. Hello friends and family. I know you're out there somewhere, doing what you're doing right now.
In case of emergency, emerge and get ready.