The "Who" in Who Cares

I do!Hurrah!Now moving along!

Saturday, January 06, 2007


No to Viruses

WHEW! And I thought I would be taking a long break from this after the computer went totally turtle these past few days. Time came when I actually had something to post, but wasn't allowed to do so.

BUT then again, it's 2:30 in the morning and I've been working like a dog. I'm just waitng for the anti-virus program to finish up and it looks like it will take more of my sleeping time. The technology age. What an age we live in.

GOTS lots of stuffs to talks abouts. But I'm just too physically tired. So, later.

P.S. NEW YEAR! (the "HAPPY" is still put on hold)

Lola Pacing when asked how much she would give in the recently0-concluded christmas:
"Di na lang ako magbibigay. Iba na ugali ng mga tao"
But then, she still gave us something to fill that large gap in our pockets. Bless her soul!

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