Righting this one again. So de ja vuish.
I lost the IRRI pics. Seems like a snitch told the higher powers in the rice institute that I was going to post them. Maybe they've sent some commandos in the dorm some time ago to erase it. Or maybe I was just too careless to accidentally erase them. You decide.
To make up for it, here's a version of the Oblation run in good ol' Buko Pie Republic. Took it blurred for deliberate and unintended reasons. Cheeky.
Finally, it's vacation! It's that time for everyone to take a much needed break from the academics, or for the studious bunch, take summer classes. Sheesh. Don't ask me. It's their life, not mine. For the average joes and janes, however, it's all good. Time again to hit the beach, hang around with friends a bit longer, with the escapades a bit more extreme, and essentially bum around. I'll be doing most of the bumming, as I am pretty much of a homeboy, thank you very much. But I do try to make a point to see the sunlight every now and then. In fact, I hope that this summer would be more of going out than just bumming around. I dunno. Just a change of lifestyle, I guess. Bumming around too much makes you fat, you know.
One of the hardest things in life to do is waiting. Be it waiting for the reply of that loved one, or the waiting of a new-born baby in the delivery room, it's just mind-blowing to wait for the results. These days have been all about waitng for it. I may feel relaxed right now, but with every passing moment, this thing , this forecoming phase in my life, is just making me think more and more about what's going to happen to me in this life of mine. Damn, we'll just wait and see.
If short, be sweet.