So many things to tell with so much time to spare...
By the way, let me introduce you to Pegaraw,
he lives in front of the library, i dunno why...
I was dead online for at least two weeks due to the boredom that is my life. A lot has happened since the sem break but I was too lazy to update this. Had a couple of ups and downs, highs and lows, lefts and rights, black and blues, toms and jerrys, laurels and hardys, and... never mind....
I finally got my license. It wasn't a license to carry a firearm, a license to practice medicine or a license to kill (all three i wish to obtain some time soon), but a driver's license. The wait was long, there were no more fixers to make it a faster process, there were no under-the-table dealings, just clean transactions here and there, a little bit of driving a beat-up jeepney and a loud scooter, no biggie. It wasn't like before when civilians can go inside the offices and work out an agreement so that one could get all the details worked out. Maybe they're afraid to get caught by Mike Enriquez or something, i dunno. There were still some of those guys who offer to "rush" one's applications, but their looks don't have the credibility to pursuade even a chimp to eat a whole bundle of bananas. So how much did I spend to get a card that would allow me to execute road rage? More or less a 1K in 5 hours. But what if I took the short route? It would probably be 1.5k to 2.0k depending on the fixer, for at least two hours of wait. Got to give a hand to the transportation office. They finally became legit. But I just can't get over the fact that it took me 5 frickin' hours just to get my license. Good thing I was a nobody and my schedule is as hollow as deep-water well with no water. But maybe, in just a few months, things would go back to their usual corrupt ways. I dunno, only time can tell...
Everybody knows the Hulk, right? Well I became the Hulk and went through a roaring rampage through the city, destroying anything and everything I could put my green hands on. First, it was just potted plants and window glasses, then it became cars and buses and jeeps, pounding them to tiny metal pieces for not driving safely on the road. I moved on to bigger things like buildings and waiting shed since they were a nuisance to the eyesight. So the government got angry and sent forth the military's tanks and planes and helicopters on me. Actually, they were not real tanks but just armored personnel carriers with flimsy machine guns, and the Vietnam-era helicopters didn't even have a single missile to fire at me. Don't be wishing for fighter planes because our proud fleet of five second-hand F5's was finally retired due to high maintenance cost. With an act of desperation, they finally launched their CRP, which made me only angrier. So, I pounded and crushed and decapitated them all, just to erase the fact that it was all so annoying and pitiful at the same time. I became the Hulk on the PS2. But i wish i was the Hulk in the real world so i could smash and break stuff whenever i want it, and destroy anything unsightly. that would be the ultimate stress-reliever.
I will believe you only when carabaos begin to fly.