The "Who" in Who Cares

I do!Hurrah!Now moving along!

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Knowledge's a B@#$& When You Don't Konw It

It's the summer season and I'm going to enjoy my summer...classes. Blah blah, yakkity yak.

It's a season of firsts for me. First time to get a 4. First time to get two 4's. First time to take removals. First time to fail a removals. First time to take 2 a subject. First time to take summer classes. First time to cry so hard inside. First time to realize that life really is s&*#$%y when it's all said and done. First time to really stop caring. First time to seriously think about my sanity. First time to say the first in my life.

Man, I was just so depressed when I learned that a got a 4, not once, but twice! There can be so many things that can make a man go look at the floor and felt that they've lost their manliness and all hope. I felt that. Depression.

Next is Apathy. Slowly, I just stopped caring. Where was that kid who was so serious in his studies that he used to make excuses so that he could read for tommorow's test? Apparently, he's slowly walking away, looking like he has no plans of turning back. Studying is now becoming nothing more than something that needs to be done. Period. I need help. Help, where art thou?

Summer syndrome's upon me. Summer syndrome is the void that is left when studies, where one's collge life revolves around, suddenly disappears. I big hole is left. You got nothing else to do. See the problem of studying? When it's all said and done, watcha gonna do? Nothing. That's what summer syndrome is. It's not always good to focus on your studies. Look what happened to me. 2 4's, dammit! Help, I really need ye.

What's left? Whatever's in store. I just don't care anymore. Me personality's slowly turning to be as interesting as year-old mold.

When in doubt, ask. When in debt, ask...for an extension.


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