The "Who" in Who Cares

I do!Hurrah!Now moving along!

Thursday, February 23, 2006



Hello to anyone who visits this place besides myself. It's been almost a month since my last post, Jan. 28 (?), and there's just so many things that I want to say. But since I'm feeling sicking (literally) and I'm in a bad mood and I'm the boring type of guy, I would summarize everything that I wished to put here before. Here goes:

- Take the risk. It's either a yes or a no. (from a song,I think; new mantra of mine)

- wrestling's coming and i'm so stoked!!! WRESTLING, YOU HEAR?! WRESTLING!!!! With all its fakeness and cheap storylines and degregation of being a champion, I'm still a fan.
TRIVIA: I was there when they went here the first time, never could forget about The Hitman. Best there was, best there is, best there ever will be.

- went to the beach last weekend. Zambales was a long way, the stay was relatively short, the sand was kinda soft in a clayish way, and it was just plain dull. It sure was a nice break, with the white sand in an island. Parang Boracay without the foreigners, green seaweed, overpriced stalls, and the babes. Sure wish there was the fourth one, though. Hahaw!

- Was kinda disappointed the way Feb Fair tuned out. Nice to see something else besides grass on the field. Other than that, not much excitement. Some say a a tiny rumble took place between two frats. Wish I saw that.

- Had a field trip to some farms last, last week. Very educational. I got a massage that weared off during the trip, tsk! There was this plant that increases potency, like Viagra. Forgot the name though.

- I realized that . . . . . . . . . . . . . love.

- Pesky boyscouts trying to claim the Makiling reserve! It's ok to camp around and do knots. But its a reserve! you need to reserve the stuff that's in there to call it a reserve. Being a former kabscout, I do respect the wishes of the BSP to have their own space. But if it means jepardizing nature and all its cuddly, vicious creatures, me thinks its best that they find someplace else.

-I miss being a child. I miss having no responsiblities and not having to shave my chin.

- Give me a reason to start jogging again. Please!

-So there's a concert tonight.Hope its worth it.

- everybody's facing problems everywhere but it seems that my problems are shifting from the outdside into my very own home...Hope we weather it right.

- Time to face reality that even though we plan for everything, nothing turns out exactly the way we want it.

So ther you have it.Dont forget to visit I think I have posted more stuff in there.

**while looking for a pic, i stumbled upon this blog, Never bothered to look around because it looked funny.Ehehe.


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